Friday, June 29, 2018

On June 29, 1999

Paul and Christine at Paul's office with Lynne, then at Gina's with Brett and Nina and later in their apartment.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Monday, June 4, 2018

More airtime for Paul

Y&R's fans have to do something to make TPTB understand that Doug Davidson, who is an Emmy winner, a talented actor and the longest running cast member deserves better than playing a "service character".

How about:
  • a tweet a day from each of us with the hashtag #MoreDougOnYR to @malyoung @AngelicaMcD @CBSDaytime @YandR_CBS

  • sending emails to

  • posting links of these videos on twitter, facebook... : 

If you have other ideas, please, leave a comment.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Let's get Paul back on screen

Here are all the episodes Paul has been on in 2018 so far:

Only 24 episodes! I would have loved Y&R to celebrate Doug Davidson's 40th anniversary by giving Paul airtime and his own story. A few flashbacks would have been great too. But the only thing Mr. Young was able to write for Doug was... a tweet sent the day after Doug Davidson's 40th anniversary:

To all of Doug Davidson's fans, let's unite in getting our beloved Paul back on screen. Let's share our ideas here.

Saturday, June 2, 2018