Friday, January 25, 2019

On January 25, 2000

19 years ago, when Paul and Christine had airtime and their own story. Christine even had an office.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Missing and Missed

Doug Davidson is a kind caring man, an Emmy winner and a wonderfully talented actor. He's been loyal to Y&R for 40 years. Y&R's viewers can't accept the disrespectful cowardly way he was treated and the sudden disappearance of chief Williams. To get him back to the show, let's:

  • do a massive mail out for Doug on February 16:  CBS-TV Studios 41 & 43 - 7800 Beverly Boulevard - Los Angeles, CA. 90036. For more information, click here 
  • email to ask for Doug Davidson's return.
  • sign the petition: link to the petition
  • on Twitter, tweet as often as you can with the hashtag #bringbackDougDavidson and follow @KeepDoug and @DougFansYR.
  • on Twitter, reply to @YandR_CBS's promo by asking for Doug's return.
  • boycott Sony and let @SteveKentSony know that you boycott Sony.
And to counter TPTB's lack of gratitude towards Doug Davidson for his contribution to Y&R (how silent they've been DD annouced he was let go!), let's tell Doug Davidson how much we've enjoyed all he has done as Paul Williams, by writing a message that could be added to that page:  (email me your message or write it as a comment below)

Thanks for your support

Joy Mathys

Thursday, January 3, 2019

On January 3, 2000

Busy night for Paul. At the Colonnade room to celebrate the New Year with Christine and Nina, called to the ranch to help Victoria and back to his apartment with Christine.