Sunday, December 8, 2019

Let's fight for Doug Davidson's return in 2020

Paul is once again missing and missed. He'll be back for two episodes in December but we don't know when (or even if) he'll be back in 2020.
Let's tell TPTB that we love Doug Davidson and that's we're very upset with the way he's been treated.
And to get him back on the show, let's:
  • sign these two petitions:
  • on Twitter, tweet as often as we can with the hashtag #BringBackDougDavidson
  • still on Twitter, reply to @YandR_CBS's promo by asking for Paul/Doug's return.
  • boycott Sony and let @SteveKentSony know that we are boycotting Sony.
  • Write or email the show: The Young and the Restless 7800 Beverly Blvd Suite 3305. LA, CA 90036
If you have other ideas, please leave a comment below.
Thanks for your help.

Joy Mathys