Thursday, August 20, 2020

Let's fight for Doug Davidson's return

Time to let TPTB know that we love Doug Davidson and that we are upset about the (lame) way he has been treated.

 To get him back to the show, let's:

- sign this petition started by Suzette (@scaron24): Link to petition

- on Twitter, tweet as often as we can with the hashtag #BringBackDougDavidson 

- boycott Sony and let @SteveKentSony and @SPTV know that we are boycotting Sony products.

- reply to @YandR_CBS promos by asking for Doug's return.

 - write or email the show: The Young and the Restless, 7800 Beverly Blvd, suite 3305, LA, CA 90036.

If you have other ideas, please leave a comment below. Thanks for your help.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Our best Tweets

Here are a few tweets which deserve our attention. Please give them a reply, a like or a RT. Let's show TPTB that we love Doug Davidson and want him back to Y&R.