Classless, shocking, disrespectful, unfair and unforgivable. Here are the words that come to my mind when I think of the way Y&R has treated its longest-running cast member.
"You know, trashing my lead detective isn't the smartest play". Here were Paul/Doug Davidson's last words. It was on November 19, 2020. Missing for four months! Gone without an explanation! Gone with no acknoledgement for everything he has done on and for Y&R for over 42 years!
Let's show our dismay by tweeting as often as we can with the hashtags #BringBackDougDavidson and/or #ShameOnYouYR, especially as replies to @YandR_CBS's promos. Please remember that using the hashtags is important.
If you haven't signed that petition, started by @scaron24, please, sign it now.
For those who want to write to the show, the email is: and the adress: The Young and the Restless - 7800 Beverly Blvd - Suite 3305 - LA, CA 90036 - USA
Here's a page that was started the year of Doug Davidson's 40th anniversary with Y&R (an anniversary that the show unfairly ignored). It was created to thank Doug for everything he had done as Paul. If you want your own message to be added, please email me or leave a comment.
"Today is the birthday of one of the kindest, most caring, genuine people I know! People who watch him feel it through the screen & people who know him get the special gift of having Doug Davidson in their lives". These kind and true words are from Lauralee Bell. They prove that this loyal wonderfully talented Emmy winner deserves everything we'll be able to do for him. So let's do it all together.
Joy Mathys