Sunday, October 28, 2018

Let's get Doug Davidson back to Y&R

Doug Davidson is a kind caring man, an Emmy winner and a wonderfully talented actor. He's been loyal to Y&R for 40 years. Y&R's viewers can't accept the disrespectful cowardly way he was treated and the sudden disappearance of chief Williams. To get him back to the show, let's:
And to counter TPTB's lack of gratitude towards Doug Davidson for his contribution to Y&R (how silent they've been DD annouced he was let go!), let's tell Doug Davidson how much we've enjoyed all he has done as Paul Williams, by writing a message that could be added to that page:  (email me your message or write it as a comment below)

Thanks for your support

Joy Mathys


  1. There is only one Doug Davidson, he is irreplaceable, don't try to interject Rey into the GCPD & actually think that we, the loyal fans of DD would accept him. It's not going to happen, not now, not ever! Had Mal Young brought on Jordi V as a new cop in the department who worked UNDER Chief Williams he might have had a chance--- but NO THAT WASN'T THE CASE- you actually had the nerve to bring on Jordi V as a replacement for Doug Davidson--- are you and the rest of TPTB CRAZY?? YOU CAN NOT replace an established, much loved,Emmy winning, long term talented actor like DD, we will not accept it! Have you never heard the saying " if it ain't bbrok why fix it? " I understand you wanted to add more diversity to the cast, but this is not the way to do it-- you add them slowly over time & NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF OUR VETS!! But here's the thing.... None of the Rosales family members are even likable characters . This was a history driven show with strong roots and fantastic storylines-- it is now less then a shadow of it's former self. I have an analogy for you... Remember when Coca Cola tried to reinvent itself with " New Coke"? It didn't work, People didn't want it to change, it was not acceptable to long term Coke drinkers, in the end, New Coke died a quiet death & Original Coke came back stronger then ever. If this continues I, along with countless others feel this NEW version of Y&R will surely die a quiet death as well .Give us back OUR show, the one that is family driven, the one whose characters are connected through years of story-telling, the show rich in history, and for the love of God give us back Doug Davidson!

  2. the WILLIAM'S have been their, I missed his dad I didn't like the way he left thought he should come back and make amends with Paul maybe he could of helped him in a sting to save Paul's son. I MISS MY PATTY!!!! and his brother that will take the last piece of Kay we have left:)

    1. According to a tweet by Corbin Bernsen (Father Todd Williams) to Doug Davidson, not long after Doug stated he'd been let go, Corbin tweeted that he, too, was told he was no longer playing his role on Y&R, either.

      Mal Young basically killed off the Williams family, just as he was trying to kill off the Abbott, Winters & Baldwin families.

      I have a feeling that the Newmans were next, but fans had heard about Doug Davidson's ousting, Eileen Davidson's voluntary leaving, Judith Chapman's Gloria vanishing, Kristoff St. John's Neil "moving" & Christel Khalil's sudden reoccurring status by then & were in an uproar about the vets disappearing.

      I noticed that, for a while, whenever someone shook hands with a newbie, a vet would disappear & another newbie would replace them.

      It's odd how both Lauren & Michael (Tracy Bregman & Christian J. Le Blanc) are rarely seen. I think Michael Baldwin's been onscreen twice in more than 6 months & Lauren has been seen only a dozen times, if that.

      Y&R REALLY needs to understand that the longtime characters are FAMILY to fans. We see them an hour a day every day, M-F. To have them gone with no explaining or returning is like losing a family member to death.

      Many of us have been watching for nearly 46 years. They can't just vanish & be replaced by a newbie. It's like killing a family member someplace away from view & sending a stranger back in their place, telling us "you'll love them!"

      No, we won't.

      And your ratings & comments will probably show that.

    2. Here's the link to Corbin Bersen's tweet: I don't think he was told that we will never see Father Todd again. By the way, Doug Davidson wasn't told either that the show aired on September 19, 2018 was his last as Paul.

  3. Paul Williams is awesome! I have no idea what they did! They never even explained where he's at or nothing!! Just Gone!! I want him back with even bigger stories involving him!!

  4. #WeWantDoug!! Please bring back our Doug Davidson! Sorry to say that someone flubbed up this time and brought in the Rey character and his whole family...and didn't even explain where/why Doug Davidson is gone!!
