Reply with a ❤️ if you love this throwback of @DougDavidsonYR and @Traceybregman as much as we do! 😍 #TBT
— Young and Restless (@YandR_CBS) August 27, 2020
@SteveKentSony @SPTV Read the comments! The fans are demanding the return of Emmy winner & fan favorite, @DougDavidsonYR to @YandR_CBS! His 42 yrs of talent & loyalty is one of the reasons #YR is #1. #BringBackDoug
— SuzetteCaronBellows (@scaron24) August 13, 2020
PLEASE give @DougDavidsonYR a CONTRACT! GENOA CITY would NOT be the same without PAUL WILLIAMS & he DESERVES to be in a GOOD storyline. He should NEVER go to waste! #TeamDougie #YR ❤️
— Franco N (@FrancoCNac) August 7, 2020
@DougDavidsonYR maybe these older episodes will make them realize what a brilliant actor you are & offer you a contract!! @YandR_CBS get on it. You really do need to keep those VERY actors that made Y&R such a success !! Don't forget when Paul was there & so loved for years!!
— lori d (@lorigirl804) August 8, 2020
I’m absolutely gutted about this Doug is such a big part of the show there is no doubt in my mind he should be in a leading role on that show
— Rita (@SpiteriRita77) August 7, 2020
Watching today's episode felt like "coming home". I loved this episode, Paul & Lauren together--always my favorite couple! Plus we got to see Mary and Carl, Andy and Amy! The Williams Family deserves a classic week of their own too! I wish YR was as good now as it was then!
— lynn Caldwell (@lynnCaldwell62) August 4, 2020
I hear you. Imagine if YR threw Paul in a heavy case. Paul not being on YR is like writing The Hardy Boys and not having the Hardy Boys in the book.
— A (@Mcsterio) August 12, 2020
Thanks for posting Joy.