Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Interesting Tweet

To all of Paul/Doug Davidson's fans: Please, click on the tweet below and give it a like, a retweet or/and a reply.


  1. I loved when Paul saved Lauren the time she was buried alive.I was in college and had to see it in the "parlor" between classes. Great drama!

  2. I have watched Y&R since it started. Still watching it today.i think my favorite moment is when Paul married Christine.

  3. I love Paul. Doug deserves more air time. He's the best.

  4. You need to give us great story lines for Paul! Loved the film noir story when the mysterious lady walked into the detective's office to hire him and she turned out to be crazy.

  5. I have always loved watching Paul on Y&R and his scenes with Nicki and the close friendship they share..He deserves more airtime and ty for the tag��

  6. I loved the Paul and Patty scenes. His loyalty and love was never more evident
